Post by Anthony on Jul 11, 2006 14:14:42 GMT
Post by uuulllaaa on Jul 11, 2006 16:32:48 GMT
Great pics Anthony ,the more of these i see the more betrayed i feel.They dont represent the movie we saw.
Post by uuulllaaa on Jul 11, 2006 16:36:09 GMT
I would love nothing more,than for spielburg(or someone invilved in the production) to go back andfinish the movie off as intended.This was war of the worlds for christ sake ,the original invasion not some movie to be rushed out for the summer.Im gutted i waited 2 3rds of my life to seethis for it to be throws together and to top it off by spielburg.
Post by Rob on Jul 11, 2006 16:40:44 GMT
Amazing stuff, thanks Anthony
Post by Leatherhead on Jul 11, 2006 21:13:46 GMT
I enjoyed the movie, and it wasn't that bad IMO. but it could have been so much more.
Post by Anim8tr on Jul 12, 2006 0:14:47 GMT
Thanks for the cool link, Anthony! I really like both Douglas Chiang and Ryan Church's artwork.
Post by Luperis on Jul 12, 2006 2:00:38 GMT
Wow! Those are some amazing pieces of artwork. It's a shame that some of those scenes didn't make it into the film. Thanks for the link, Anthony!
Post by wotwfan48 on Jul 12, 2006 2:17:41 GMT
I am checking this link right now, thanks Anthony, for this. Thanks to spielberg for the movie, but no thanks to Spielberg, for everything that we missed, because he made that movie, in a hurry, to make space for the other one. So I am fustrated by what we missed, but hey at least we got the art, for that thanks a lot again Anthony. We can dream now about what it would look like. Chantale.
Post by Topaz on Jul 12, 2006 2:22:59 GMT
-sigh- What a shame even a few of these scenes didn't make it into the film. Many are simply stunning. Would've gone a long ways towards restoring the theme and 'feel' of the book, IMHO. ...and, as such, clashed with the new 'family' story that was thrust into the forefront, which is probably why they never saw film. Still, thanks you much, Anthony, for sharing them. I've got a couple of the larger ones as desktops on my monitors, for the moment. -sigh- redux. "For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: 'It might have been!'" - John Greenleaf Whittier
Post by Commandingtripod on Jul 12, 2006 7:27:51 GMT
Thanks Anthony for sharing them.
Pitty they weren't included.
Post by RustiSwordz on Jul 12, 2006 14:19:57 GMT
Observation: the pics are far more exciting than the finished excrement.
Post by FALLINGSTAR on Jul 12, 2006 15:47:38 GMT
Those pics are good but even if those scenes [ and more battles ] were included in the film I still think it would have been pants. Tom Cruise is a problem for loads of people and he can't be erased.
Post by FALLINGSTAR on Jul 12, 2006 15:51:39 GMT
I would love nothing more,than for spielburg(or someone invilved in the production) to go back andfinish the movie off as intended.This was war of the worlds for christ sake ,the original invasion not some movie to be rushed out for the summer.Im gutted i waited 2 3rds of my life to seethis for it to be throws together and to top it off by spielburg. The thing is - even if they went back and polished the film and added more battles/ scenes etc there's still other big problems with the film that can't be put right. Spielberg should leave it as it is an go and do something he's good at instead of wrecking other peoples works.
Post by theredweed on Jul 15, 2006 22:49:00 GMT
Amazing pictures, the jet plane pics are fab!
Post by Spirit of Man on Jul 20, 2006 2:53:37 GMT
Observation: the pics are far more exciting than the finished excrement. WHY COULDNT WE HAVE IT LIKE THE BLOODY ART! Totally agree with that comment. From the artwork, to movie posters showing the tripods leveling everything and then not alot of anything in the film. I do like the film, but not as much as I want to like it
Post by nervouspete on Jul 29, 2006 19:38:45 GMT
Amazing artwork! Quite chilling, and the tripods look a bit bigger in some of them than in the film. Fantastic stuff.
Still like the film a lot, and love the first half, but I would have killed to have that aliens scene as creepy as that concept art shot of them in front of the machine. I can still understand the 'not showing over the hill' idea, but some more horror shots of our landscape turned upside down by their destruction would have been cool, with them roaming about.
Still, more inspiration for my Great Invasion work, eh? I'll try and post some more tonight.
And I still like the film, and Spielberg's adaptation of Jaws and Empire of the Sun (which are both books) rock, so he is still clearly fab. (Empire is in my top five films)
Post by nervouspete on Jul 29, 2006 19:41:00 GMT
Can I also say that concept art doesn't necessarily mean direct illustrations for scenes. Most concept art is to provide a mood and feel. Seeing tripods nail tanks behind a church doesn't mean that such a shot was ever really considered, it's more a tool for actors, FX guys and everyone to get a feel for the production.
Also, for me, seeing a film full of people on fire would have been too much for me. I've seen someone on fire in an accident before in real life and it's something I can't watch anymore. Fine if you don't have a direct reference, but I was really relieved that 'berg went for the 'thwang!' clothes fly off thing.
("I agree, making people's clothes fall off is good," - Psychic Patrick Stewart)
Post by Tripod on Jul 31, 2006 18:20:10 GMT
Those pics are damn fine Anthony! Keep up your good work over there at EveOfTheWar.com!
Post by Lensman on Aug 2, 2006 7:59:33 GMT
Well the combat scenes look spectacular, yet I can't help but think that if Spielberg *had* filmed one or more scenes that way, there would be a lot of complaints on this forum that it was just another "Independence Day" film. I think films should be reviewed and critiqued for what they are-- not what the reviewer *wants* them to be.
Post by wastedyuthe on Aug 4, 2006 10:12:29 GMT
I completely agree with you Lensman. The whole Independance Day thing was exactly what Spielberg DIDN'T want, and I agree. We do want it, as in the book, from an individuals perspective. However, there is one thing that still should have made it into the film- the Camelot scene. This would have still kept the individual perspective, and given the tripods more screen time, and soiled a lot of pants! I love the film, but I can't help feeling it was rushed, and I have a suspicion that the Camelot scene's effects weren't completed in time for the release- although he would have had time to insert it into the dvd cut. Here's hoping for that Directors cut dvd!